I miss the training. Friends and coworkers ask how the training is going. It's almost nonexistant and I am feeling pretty down about it. My life has become so overscheduled with school, work and sleep that the bike and swim are gone. I am missing it and my body feels the difference. I worked so hard this summer and made so many positive changes to my health that I don't want to lose that. I have a better week with regard to school but work my 8 nights. I am planning to try to replicate our previous schedule of working out in the morning and going to bed after lunch (at least until Monday). Then I start clinic agian and will only be able to slip a run in.
I do run still because it is quick and easy. And I worked way to hard and shed too many tears there to lose my stamina! I am motivated to at least keep that up. There is a nice challenging trail within walking distance of home. I always run a 5 K and my time has slowly but steadily gotten better. But I have only been running an average of 2-3 times a week. We had plans of doing a triathlon in late November in Southern CA. I am feeling like I am not in shape to do so. I haven't been in open water since the Ukiah tri. I have not bought a wetsuit. I miss biking terribly but haven't been able to carve out 2 hours for the bike ride I'd like. And it was cold and I am still adapting to being cold which I really do not like. I am dreaming of a century ride (100 miles) in Solvang (central) CA in March. It is rated as difficult so I will have to train fairly hard for it. It takes place where the movie Sideways was filmed.
So for now I am living vicariously through my son and partner. James has been beating his run time everyday and is now to a 7 min mile. Byron just did that today. I think Byron is only about 20 sec behind James now in his mile time. Very impressive. Byron has the Treasure Island tri next weekend in San Francisco. I am excited for him. He saved up and bought a REALLY nice triathlon bike with clip shoes. He and James biked 30+ miles a few days ago (while I worked...or studied or took a test or did something other than biking *sigh*). Byron was far ahead of James and beat his own bike time significantly. Byron is dreaming big now of participating in the famous Escape From Alcatraz tri in June. He has to place at another selected tri first to be allowed to compete. The last one for the season is in Florida. And yes he is begging to go to Florida.
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