Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Training Log-Almost there! 29.8 this week

Less than 1 week left until my first half-marathon. This week I ran a total of 29.8 miles -- 8.2 miles, 9.6miles and 12 miles. I was pretty sore immediately after the 12 mile run. The run itself was fine except the last 3 runs I have had this horrendous bilateral shin pain for the 1st two miles. After I stop and stretch the remainder of the run is fine. I figured out it is from not enough calf stretching prior to my runs. I guess this month has built some muscles. and with that comes tightness.

I am confident that I will do fine on Saturday. I know I can run 13.1. If I continue training like this I can do a full marathon in no time. I can actually see myself doing one.

1 comment:

Toonhead said...

Hey, you ran 12 - what's another 1.1 miles?