Our whole family raced in the Big River 5K and 10K sponsored by Mendocino Community High School Solar Conversion Project. It was a stunning run along the Big river into the redwoods. The group was moderate in size, pretty diverse and really mellow.
Liam has been begging to run in a 5K race since October. Last night he was so excited that he made sure to get his "good running clothes." I told him good athletes get lots of sleep. So my little non sleeper took that to heart and went right to sleep. Luna, on the other hand, wasn't so thrilled about going. Byron has been ill so the 10K might be rough on him. He is determined though.
We left from work. I worked the night before. It was a mad rush to the coast. We thought we may not make it. We made it and fortunately it was informal enough that people were still registering and getting ready. Our thermometer in the car read a balmy 42 degrees. Good running weather actually. Not thrilled about the 30's, will run in it but anything in the 20's has been unacceptable thus far. So 40's...sounds good. I will go without my thermal top and bottom and just run in my compression tights, running shirt and rain jacket. We get out of the car and the windchill was bone chilling. Oh my gosh!!!! I can't do this. I need my thermal top at least. I dig in my bag and no top. oh well, threw on the scarf and tried to toughen up. We are all shivering trying to hop around to get warm while being blown around in the freezing breeze. I am rethinking this. Losing all enthusiasm. I can't NOT participate so I go for it. Byron and I plan to run the 10K while James, Luna and Liam run the 5K.
I started off and kept in pace. About 3/4 mile in I run around a turn and there is this gorgeous cliff with pond. It was breathtaking. I smiled. I resisted the strong temptation to stop and wait for James and the kids. on the other side was the river. I was surrounded by redwoods and at one point just savored the smell of the forest. I thought about the aromatic qualities of pine oil-relaxation. I was pretty relaxed at that point.I passed the turn around for the 5 K race and was on my own now for the 10K. The path got even better. Byron passed me on the way back. He looked beat but was smiling. I reached the turn around. I was getting tired. I hit several mini walls but nothing too bad. I see the sign on the way back ...I have completed 7K. The 8K took forever and each inch of progress seemed to take longer than the last. By 8K I was hitting another wall. I waned to be done. No pains, just done. 9K. okay almost there. But I am so losing it. I see the parking lot in the distance. 9 times 6 is 54. only 5.4 miles. I still have .6 miles left and the last kilometer took sooooo long. I dream about running a marathon and being at mile 25 and what that will feel like. My favorite Rage Against the Machine song, Killing in the Name is on my MP3 and I immediately meditate on it. Yep, you can actually meditate to Rage! I start singing. I hit a downhill patch and start sprinting and singing "F*%k you I won't do what you tell me...F*%k you I won't do what you tell me...F*%k you I won't do what you tell me..." I see the finish but choose to look down so I don't get so confused. I also try not to sing aloud. Everyone is there. Luna and Liam have their hands out to be my finish ribbon. I finish and am thoroughly confused. I take my headphones off and there are people and music. I am overwhelmed and take a walk away for a few minutes. I reconnect to the present and am thrilled to see my family.
Liam ran the entire first half of the 5K ---that's 1.5 miles non stop with tiny 5 year old legs. Luna runs the entire second half doing a fabulous negative split. Her run time back averaged a 12 min mile! the kids are excited and proud. Luna said she loved it and had a great time almost passing up the three teenagers. Byron told me that he hit a wall on the second half back. He felt like he couldn't make it. He picked up a leaf and told himself that the leaf will carry him through and it did. I love that!
Then the results...4 out of 5 of us place.
LIAM- 1st place 5K under 10 boys!
LUNA- 3rd place 5K under 10 girls!
BYRON-2nd place 10K 16-19 boys! (the first place was the overall 10K winner)
JAMES-2nd place 5k 30-39 male! (and he walked with the kids mostly)
Quite the family we are!
Next week we run the Willits Classic. James will run 10 miles and I will do the 5K with the kids.
Way to go everybody!
Duuuude!!! :-) You guys rock!!
But I would have been reciting Homer Simpson movie quotes...
"Must keep going!! Must keep going!!"
"I can't, I can't keep going!!"
"Yes you can!!"
"No I can't"
"Oh shut up!!"
"YOU shut up!!"
"No you!"
"No YOU!!"
"Oh real mature!!"
"How can you say that!?"
Of course, by this time, I would have been netted, tagged and released into shady hills rest home for the mentally challenged...
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