Thursday, July 05, 2007


James and I attempted a mini-triathlon in our training today. We started with swimming 1 mile with the majority being nonstop. We are going to swim in open water this weekend so this is good practice. Immediately after we rode our bikes 14 miles and on a whim decided to ride to the high school track and run at least 1.5 miles.

Mind you by this point the morning is getting pretty hot. We found out later by run time it had already reached 100 degrees F. I had also gotten off of work at 7:30 am and and only slept 4 hours the day before and 5 the day before that. I have been working several nights in a row this week.

The swim went really well. My stamina has improved immensely. I never really felt tired at the end and could have continued. Biking went well. The small hills are getting easier each time. The views are incredible. We bike out in the valley and pass miniature horses, rolling fields, oak trees, goats, sheep, wild turkeys. The run however was my wall. By my second lap I couldn't do it. Much like I had done in the beginning only I could not get past this wall. I cried all the way through the second lap starting running and walking discouraged after making so much progress yesterday. I have continued to run 3 miles fairly easily since Victoria. I have also done 2 trainings (swim, run; run, bike; swim, bike) everyday this week. James caught up with me and got me moving. I ran the last 2 and called it a mile. It was hard. I wanted to stop so much but he encouraged me. I did it, rode back to the health club where we parked the car, showered and went home to bed.

I have been playing over and over again the feelings. What went wrong? Was i more tired than I thought after swimming and biking? Was it too hot? Was it James's presence? All I know is when I started warming up my legs felt like bricks and I could barely pick them up.

Tomorrow is another day.

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