Monday, June 04, 2007

Day 1-Run/Walk

Bothe James and I will write here:

Today was the official first day of training. We have been given a strict schedule to follow. We were to run/walk 30 min.

Took the whole family down to the track at the high school. Little ones played croquet and ran a little. Actually Luna ran about 1/2 mile and walked another 1/2. Impressive for a 3 foot something girl weighing 40 something pounds. She looked so tiny running along the big track. She was never intimidated (I sure was!) by how much a mile was.

Byron swiftly ran a whole mile with James. We dragged him down to the track with us and he loved it. James did really well running over 2.5 miles in 30 min. And me, I did run a mile and walk the rest totaling 2.5 miles. This is my most disliked sport. I never liked running esp that which requires stamina. Sprinting I like. It was not so bad though. The last time I ran a mile was in middle school.

I was discouraged when I had to walk. My legs were fine. I worried about my knees which like to dislocate every now and again. I actually talked to my knees before I started asking them to be good to me. They did. My whole body was fine except my lungs. I would get short of breath, get anxious,hyperventilate too much and not be able to breathe. Quite embarassing. After a few laps, I was able to do some yoga breaths and hand movements (I like visuals). By my last running lap I chanted to the rhythm of my step "yes...yes...yes..yes" to overpower the "" in my head. That helped a lot.

Right now I feel great but a bit rubbery.

Tomorrow we are to swim 800 meters *gulp*
I can't believe that I jogged 30 minutes and did a 12 minute mile pace. It is exactly what I set out to do and it ended up that I could have gone a little faster. Next track day I will have to see if I can get the whole 3 miles of the triathlon run down in 30 minutes.

I'm afraid tomorrow will not be so easy. I figure I can swim the distance but it is going to be a lot more work and take more than 30 minutes.

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