41 trains
13 planes
11 boats
13 travel busses
Countless transit busses
We visited 17 countries
England, Hungary, Romania, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland and Czech Republic
Were exposed to 14 languages:
English, Hungarian, Romanian, French, Luxembourgese, German, Norsk, Irish, Dutch, Spanish, Catalon, Italian, Czech, and Polish.
Of those countries we were in 24 cities with 12 being major cities (London, Budapest, Buchurest, Paris, Oslo, Dublin, Belfast, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, Venice, and Vienna.)
My favorite places:
Inis Mor, Ireland
The most beautiful places we experienced:
Inis Mor
Norwegian Fjords
Mont Blanc’s glacier
Peak experiences:
Christmas in the village
seeing the fjords
seeing Inis Mor
the kids at Musee D’Orsay
the kids learning
vegan hazelnut ice cream and European chocolate
Date with James in Paris
Difficult experiences:
Puppies’ deaths
Anti-Roma mentality
Feeling burned out upon arrival in Spain (I was so tired of planning everyday then)
Being apart from James.
Traveling alone with the kids. (It reminds me so much of birth. It was wonderful and amazing but difficult too. I’d do it allover again but it was never easy.)
My weight loss of 29 lbs despite the chocolate I ate
Liam’s perfect pronunciation in any language
Luna’s math ability
Byron’s ability to do his school work independently
Immense beauty of Europe
James growth as a minister
Deep connections with our friends in the village
We managed to stay vegan most of the time except for chocolate. Being vegan in Romania was easier than we ever expected. There was more TVP in Transylvania than at home! The most vegan place was London where we could get vegan sweets and samosas in the Underground station.
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